API Reference

Everything is done using the SolCheck class:

class SolCheck

Initializes a SolCheck using a model a gurobipy.Model object.


Test the solution values sol, a Python dictionary where the keys are gurobipy.Var objects and the values are the solution values. This only tests if the solution values are feasible or not; you must call additional methods to diagnose the solution values.


Computes the Irreducible Inconsistent Subsystem to explain an infeasible solution.

inf_repair(repairMethod='C', makeCopy=False)

Repairs an infeasible solution.

  • repairMethod – String to set the method to use to repair the infeasibility. If it is "C" (default), it repairs by adjusting the right-hand-side values of constraints; if it is "V", it repairs by adjusting the solution values.

  • makeCopy – Bool to make a fresh copy of the model object; if it is False (defult), then the original model object will be replaced by the relaxed copy.

For infeasible models where repairMethod is "C", the Constr objects will have an additional floating point attribute _Violation that measures how much that constraint is violated; _Violation may be positive or negative.


Optimizes the original model, starting from the test solution. For a solution that is feasible, this can determine how far that solution may be from optimal.


If you call any of the explanation methods (SolCheck.inf_explain(), SolCheck.inf_repair() or SolCheck.optimize()), this will write a result file; the type of result will depend on the solution status and the type of explanation.